100% (Glitched) No Gem Duping Route Detail
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- Healer Glitch and wrong warp to King's Tomb
- Kill Red Daira on bridge - Skip Levels if health is good, take Life 2 if beeping
- Jump over Moblins
- Kill last 2 octoroks in the lava cave backdoor entrance to DM
- Hammer Cave:
- Kill first Red Daira - Take Life 2 for beams or Attack 2 if still have beams
- Stun megmats with beams, kill Orange Daira - should be levels 2-1-2 now
- Down elevator kill Red Daira to the left then the Red Daira to the Right
- Kill Orange Daira for drop, pbag or reset, Kill Red Daira - up+A at hammer with 3-1-2 levels
Collection Quest
- Same as Any% but you can't fairy the Magic Container
- Trophy, Up+A
- Jump, Up+A
- Medicine, Up+A
- Downstab, Fairy, Up+A
- Magic Cave Container, Up+A
Palace 1
- Go down the elevator to the right
- 2nd room, cast fairy to go through the door and take damage from tinsuits
- 3rd room, kill stalfos, go down elevator
- Standard skull bubble room
- Go through the bot crumble bridge room, but come back in to death abuse, ideally to a bot, lava is option too
- Fairy to get Candle, death abusing on Orange IK after
- standard bot crumble bridge and skull bubble rooms
- skip basically every enemy you can on the way to horse head, fairy the locked door
- Kill horsehead, attack 4 from the gem
- Fairy feet the bubble encoutner
- Get Heart container, up+A with 4-1-2 levels
Palace 2
- Skip as many enemies as possible for the whole palace
- Go straight to the Glove
- Fairy through the door in the unicorn head room
- grab the key in the bot lava room
- get the red jar from the wall statue
- fairy the glove and take a death abuse to the red iks
- Go to straight to helmet head
- fairy through the door in the room before helmethead
- defeat helmethead
- Place the gem, up+A with 5-1-2 levels
Alt Scroll Lock
- Healer glitch, enter doors 1-2-1-1-1 for the so called "alt" glitch
- Leave glitch town, no wrong wapr, re-enter rauru and get shield:
- Enter rauru, walk 1 screen left, walk back right to find the correct house
- Get the Heart Container in the "Heart Cave"
- Walk to Saria crossing the bridge to east of Saria
Post Palace 2
- In Saria and get the Life Spell:
- Walk one screen left, then walk back right to find the Mirror house, enter and get the mirror
- Exit mirror house and walk right until you find the Mirror woman - get the Life spell
- Exit life house, exit left to glitch town
- scroll the screen right, then exit left to skip riverman
- Any% route through death mountain
- Enter Spectacle Rock from above, collect the Magic Container, and fairy feet out
- Don't cast any magic from now until Darunia
- Make your way to the kid - there will be a blue goriya (kill it) and the kid will have the Medicine sprite, it's okay
- Exit Maze Island, get the 1-up and Dazzle Walk to Darunia
- Darunia Mountain Pass encounters - enter them and jump at the cloud to go through them, not worth waiting for encounter skips
- Darunia - Get Reflect and Up Stab:
- Enter Darunia and exit left twice, then walk back right to find the Reflect house, get reflect
- Exit Reflect house and then walk right, cast jump on the next screen and go down the chimney for up stab
- Exit Up Stab house and walk right, refill magic, exit left, exit left again DON'T SCROLL THE SCREEN
- Maze Return:
- Encounter skip the first encounter
- Enter the 2nd encounter, scroll the screen right (avoid the pit and octorok), then exit left
- Standard All Keys walk to Maze Island from the cave
- Get Maze Island Magic Container and then enter Palace 4
Palace 4/3
- Boots:
- Enter Palace 4, go down the elevator - keep going right and down to get to the Boots Room
- Jackhammer the blue IK, cast fairy then use the level up for Magic 2 - levels should be 5-2-2
- Exit to the left and now at P3 entrance
- Raft:
- Go down the elevator and go right until the room with the 3-high breakable blocks
- On the way skip the key in the floor, Kill the Doom Knocker and get the pbag in the floor on the same room, take Life 3 - levels should be 5-2-3
- in the room with the 3-high breakable blocks, kill the Red IK, scrolling screen right, exit left
- Cast Fairy, through the door
- Collect the Key, Red IK should be drop (doesn't matter what it is), if pbag, take magic 3
- Kill Red and Blue IKs get raft - Levels should be 5-3-3 now
- Exit left and back to the overworld
- Re-enter Palace 4, scroll the screen right, exit left
- Exit Left
- Scroll the screen right, exit left
- Exit Left
- Go down the elevator, fairy through the locked door, take damage if necessary exiting right
- Death abuse on Red IK, Kill Red IK's on the way to Carock, should have more than enough EXP now
- Kill Carock, place Gem, exit left, take Attack 6 from the gem - Levels should be 6-3-3
- Rebonack (Ride the Shark!)
- Go down the elevator and go right until the room with the 3-high breakable blocks
- On the way get the key in the floor, Kill the Doom Knocker in the same room
- in the room with the 3-high breakable blocks, kill the Red IK, scrolling screen right, exit left
- Exit Left
- Scroll the screen right, kill the Red IK after he spawns on the left, go right and down the elevator
- Kill the Doom Knocker before leaving the room
- Kill the Red IK (should be a drop, doesn't matter what) and should have enough XP (over 400)
- Kill Rebonack, place the gem and exit the palace - should take Magic and life to get to levels 6-6-4
- NOTE: You *can* take Attack 7 (7-3-3) but you need to route a blue jar drop on the ropes in P5 after killing Gooma or do Eco Key
- Make your way to Palace 5
- If 6-6-4 levels all level ups for the rest of the run should be life levels
- If 7-3-3 levels need to abuse p5 Gem for Magic and Life
Palace 5
- Gooma:
- Enter P5 and go down the elevator
- ``If you need to set up a blue jar drop after Gooma``
- kill 2 Ropes, if neither is a drop, skip the last 2
- If one of the first 2 ropes is a drop, kill the last 2
- If you don't need a drop, just kill all the ropes and exit right
- Fairy and skip the "eco key" key, exit right
- Get the pbag on the crumble bridge, exit right
- Scroll the screen right, exit left
- exit left and keep going left until a room with an elevator
- in the elevator room, scroll the screen right until the elevator is at the left edge, exit left
- exit left, exit left again
- Go right, breaking blocks as necessary, get the red jar from the statue and go up the elevator
- Kill the orange IK, cast fairy and go to gooma's room
- If 6-6-4 levels - Cast Shield, Life cast will ruin the run
- Kill Gooma, get key, exit to the left immediately, exit to the overworld
- Gem:
- Enter P5 and go down the elevator
- kill all the ropes and exit right (if blue jar needed, hopefully it dropped)
- Fairy and skip the "eco key" key, exit right
- Cross the crumble bridge, exit right
- Scroll the screen right, exit left
- exit left and keep going left until a room with an elevator
- in the elevator room, scroll the screen right until the elevator is at the left edge, exit left
- exit left, exit left again
- Go right, breaking blocks as necessary, get the red jar from the statue and go up the elevator
- Kill the orange IK, unlock the door, kill Red IK and go to gooma's room
- Cast fairy and place the Gem as Fairy, exit right
- Levels should either be 6-6-6 or 7-7-4 after the Gem
- Flute:
- Enter P5 and go down the elevator
- kill all the ropes and exit right
- Fairy and skip the "eco key" key, exit right
- Cross the crumble bridge, exit right
- Scroll the screen right, exit left
- exit left and keep going left until a room with an elevator
- in the elevator room, scroll the screen right until the elevator is at the left edge, exit left
- Exit Left
- Cast Fairy and go right and down the elevator
- Keep going right until the room after the False Wall room with the blue IK (boo not HorseHead)
- In the room after the False Wall room, scroll the screen right and exit left
- Exit Left
- Get the Flute, scroll the screen right and exit left, exit the palace
Post Palace 5
- Get the Heart Container on the water tile and exit left
- Walk north to Nabooru
- Fire Spell:
- Go left 1 screen, walk back right to the fountain, get the water and talk to thirsty woman
- Get Fire exit Fire house, walk right
- Walk right to refill Magic, exit left
- Walk south to pbag cave, scroll the screen right, exit left
- Enter New Kasuto:
- Get Magic Container, Cast life before if you need to refill health
- Really want full Magic and full Life before getting Spell spell
- Exit Magic Container house and walk right, enter the first open door, Fairy spell should be cued up
- Exit the house to the left, cast fairy and fly up and right to exit to the right at the top of the screen (cue up shield)
- Enter the first house, exit left
- Cast Shield and walk right until you see the Thunder house, enter and get the spell spell
- Exit and cast fairy (and shield if needed), fly left at the top of the screen
- re-enter New Kasuto, refill Life and Magic
- Walk right until the 3rd screen, cast Spell spell, enter and get magic key
- Exit Magic Key hut, exit left
- Make your way through the cave to get the Coast Heart then to P6
Palace 6
- At this point Levels aren't important, just take whatever level comes up
- Barba:
- Enter p6, go down the elevator to the bottom
- Exit right and fall down the pit
- Go right through the locked door (or ceiling walk)
- Go right through lava room, be careful
- Go right through the wizrobe IK room
- Cast Fairy and fly through lava pit room, avoid skulls
- Go right
- Kill Rebo, go right
- Fall down the pit
- Cast Fairy, can death abuse on blue armored stalfos if desired
- Standard manip on Barba doesn't work in glitched state, just fight fast
- Place Gem and exit right
- Cross:
- Re-enter P6, go down the elevator to the bottom
- Exit right, jump the pits and continue right until Rebo fight
- Be careful of Canadian hole
- Kill Rebo, get cross, exit left and back to overworld
Post Palace 6
- Cross the bridge (Jump at cloud)
- Enter Old Kasuto, walk right to find Thunder house
- Enter Thunder house, get thunder
- Exit thunder house, exit right
- Fairy Feet the bridge or Fairy across
- Walk to the cave that leads to New Kasuto
- Enter cave and exit right to get to GP Entrance
Great Palace
- Standard Any% Great Palace route, be careful, more enemies spawn with Alt Scroll Lock glitch